emerge net-misc/ferm
sudo mcedit /etc/ferm/ferm.conf
# workstation & fileserver
# Author: wavilen
table filter {
chain INPUT {
policy DROP
# connection tracking
mod state state INVALID DROP
# allow local connections
interface lo ACCEPT
# respond to ping
proto icmp icmp-type echo-request ACCEPT
# allow SSH connections
proto tcp dport ssh ACCEPT
# ident connections are also allowed
proto tcp dport auth ACCEPT
# samba
proto tcp dport (139 445) ACCEPT
proto udp dport (137:138) ACCEPT
# NFSv4
proto tcp dport sunrpc ACCEPT
proto (tcp udp) dport 2049 ACCEPT
proto tcp dport (8000) ACCEPT
proto udp dport (8000) ACCEPT
proto (udp igmp) daddr mod state state NEW ACCEPT
proto udp dport 1234 ACCEPT
# the rest is dropped by the above policy
# outgoing connections are not limited
chain OUTPUT policy ACCEPT
# this is not a router
chain FORWARD policy DROP
sudo ferm -i /etc/ferm/ferm.conf
sudo /etc/init.d/iptables save
sudo /etc/init.d/iptables start
sudo rc-update add iptables default